Wednesday, 26 October 2011

A Weight Off Your Mind?

A lot of people incorrectly think that they lack the willpower to lose weight, but what they are actually doing is talking themselves out of finding the determination to do just that.   Their language embeds precedents for their personal behaviour around food. 

‘I’m always picking on the kids’ food’, ‘I can’t have one biscuit I have to have the packet’

These are common statements from my weight loss clients and they are self-fulfilling prophesies.  The more they tell themselves this is what they do, the more they embed this into their subconscious mind as their way of behaviour.

There are a number of phrases that I ask clients to discard at the door and others I ask them to pick up and take with them as they leave.  ‘Diet’ is the main discard word and lifestyle, change, positivity are the basis of the new language.  We discuss how changing your thoughts, the way you think about yourself then has a direct effect on your behaviour and subsequently how you feel in yourself and ultimately those pounds lost which feed the process again.  Using cognitive behavioural techniques in couple of hypnotherapy sessions I have seen numerous clients lose significant amounts of weight and change to healthier happier lifestyles.  I don’t have a magic wand, I just use the power of the client’s mind, suggesting new internal dialogue, boosting their self-esteem, and focusing on goals to help people think and behave in a more appropriate way. 

Whether food is just a substitute for some emotional craving or just an overindulging habit, hypnotherapy can help those who will help themselves to achieve their weight goal and maintain a healthier lifestyle. 

A lot of patients come to me saying they are nervous of hypnotherapy; there is a misconception of a loss of control promoted by certain entertainers in the media.   Well I tell clients that exactly the opposite is true, I describe hypnotherapy as ‘psychology with your eyes closed’: it can give you more control over the way you think, the way you feel and the way you behave.  Hypnotherapy uses relaxation and most find it an enjoyable therapy; an apt analogy is it's a bit like a massage for the mind.  Certainly once clients have experienced hypnosis, they usually look forward to their next session’s indulgence and report feeling overall better about themselves. 

I was prompted to write this blog today as another client, who had their first session a month ago and then went on holiday, booked in for her second.  She has lost nearly one stone, ‘it’s weird’ she said, ‘I’ve just stopped doing what I used to do’.  More to the point she’d started concentrating on doing something different and…. that’s not magic!

Monday, 10 October 2011


As an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist I've used hypnotherapy myself  to alleviate pain potential.  At the dentist I've had root canal recently performed without anaesthesia, so I know the power of the mind, using positive relaxing imagery can alter our perception of pain and reciprocally inhibit the fight flight response that exacerbates pain.  One of the main problems facing mothers to be is the fear factor and having trained as a HypnoBirthing®practitioner I now understand that the HypnoBirthing®Childbirth method is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free method of birthing.  HypnoBirthing® teaches you, along with your birthing companion, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.  Mothers to be learn to call upon their body’s own natural relaxant and thus lessen or eliminate discomfort and the need for medication.  When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth and when mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all other creatures.

HypnoBirthing® teaches mothers to release all prior programming about birth, how to trust your body and work with it, as well as how to free yourself of harmful emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and unyielding muscles.

HypnoBirthing® teaches the art of using natural birthing instincts being aware and fully in control, but profoundly relaxed.

There are HypnoBirthing® films showing labouring mothers, awake, alert and in good humor as they experience the kind of gentle birth that you, too, can know when you are free of the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome. 

What really said it all to me, when I was training, was the equal mix of delegates:  Clinical hypnotherapists, midwives and HypnoBirthing®mum's all learning the Maria Mongan method of HypnoBirthing®, all with an educated belief, and of course the HypnoBirthing® mum's there living proof, that birthing can be a wonderful experience with minimal discomfort.